That's me!

That's me!
The hen house Baya built...summer 2012

Sunday 25 July 2010

Lazy Sunday...what lazy sunday...

I thought I'd better write my blog tonight as I am unlikely to be able to move my right arm tomorrow. There is a hedge in the front front garden (I hope you remember that is at the front of the house) that has been annoying me for months now. I could, I mused, cut it down and let the elder grow and then plant more lavenders...(do I actually need more lavenders..well, see below and yes I do!).

So tonight, I got the clippers and the saw and did it! Cut it all off, did not dig the roots, not quite as mad as all that but it looks grand and I am really excited. One thing that does not excite me at all is the prospect of having to cut all the branches into manageable chunks and taking them to the dump but little by little (as if I knew the meaning of the words)!

I also have started my Ebay shop and two lovely people have bought items of clothing so I am rich(ish).

And then...Chris from Shetlands has agreed to the deal about the lavender and I'll be receiving soaps from him soon. They are fabulous. If you fancy checking their website out its

Not had time to knit today but found a great page marker that I will attempt tomorrow.

Till then...

1 comment:

  1. Hello Baya,
    Nice to meet you. I loved the tea cosy and the phto makes the post so much more interesting than a post without a photo so keep up the good work. I would love to see some photos of your lavender too.
