That's me!

That's me!
The hen house Baya built...summer 2012

Sunday 18 July 2010


Its harvest time and we are going to drown in the stuff. Audrey, the Beloved, is already having some minor breakdown as to how many beautiful fan shaped lavender bags she can create. I am thinking lavender vinegar, lavender and herbs bath sachets (muslin, easy) and may be trying to sell it on ebay.

It all started a couple of years ago, when I got the notion, living in Befordshire, as I do, on the Hertfordshire border, that I would revive the lost lavender fields of the 19th century. So I tramed all the front front garden (I know, we have a front front garden, a back front garden and a back back garden grandly called the farmyard because that's where the hens live, its also called the orchard because that's where the apple, pears and plum trees live). Anyway, I then planted about 20 lavender bushes. Marvellous I hear you cry, all those lovely flowers and happy bees...

Well, the following year, we created the Herbs Garden (that's in the back of the front back garden for your information) and of course I have to surround it with...guess what? Lavenders of course.

So now, we have to harvest the stuff and then do stuff with is. Harvesting means cutting them off the plant, putting them in bundles and then letting them dry in the summer house (also called "The Studio"...we are delusional in our house) and then rolling them around so that the dried flowers can be put in bags.

Plus point is that everything smells lovely, other plus point is that the Beloved's fan lavender bags sell really well at village fetes etc. So I don't know why I am complaining. Thought I'd let you know anyway!

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