That's me!

That's me!
The hen house Baya built...summer 2012

Saturday 18 September 2010


Autumn light...the end?

I have been thinking...yes, I know, dangerous thing to do, heart was heavy you see, when I took that picture, I saw the autumn light and felt the cold winds of winter howling somewhere, ready to pounce and the cold and the damp and the land looking dark and forbidding...and I thought, its the end, the end of summer...

Then I looked on my left. Well you cannot see what is on my left when I write and I did try to take a photo but it did not come out. Its an old yellow bit of A4 paper, three years old or thereabouts that my son drew for me. On it is the plan of a classic script and in this plan...there is no ending. On the edge of the plage, there are the following words : Climax and Rebirth.

And there we are, really at Midpoint. Midpoint between the two solstices, bang around the Autumn Equinox, the point of balance before it all tips down into the second half, not the ending, you see, no, just the second half.

So what if, there were no endings at all, just Climax followed by Rebirth. Therefore there would be no death as such. A beautiful Climax of life, like the one the land is going through at the moment with all the gorgeous berries rioting, the last calendulas, the red tomatoes. Have you noticed, its all red out there, blazing it is! Climax and then, of course, Rebirth.

What a way to think of life...there is no end to summer just a magnificent climax and immediately after that, its starting to be Spring again. It might take time for us to see that but already, as I have said in a previous post, the new growths have arrived. I have tidied up the herbs garden and cut the tarragon down and underneath the long leggy bits, the new baby leaves are already there...

So, I am leaving you with this photo, the great blast Climax of my harvest and from the Midpoint of the year, the beautiful Autum Equinox, I stand and contemplate how I am going to allow everything to Rebirth. O Dear, that would mean me too - Rebirth without constantly checking whether its happening, trusting the process of it, letting it build up, enjoying the slow, gentle, tender, special growing of my very tiny leaves. Having the patience to allow this to happen. No interference. Watching tenderly...till they are ready to unfurl...o around the Spring Equinox...that would be the next Midpoint then, jumping from Midpoint to Midpoint, light of feet and heart. Think about it, its wonderful!


  1. Thank you for sharing. Strange how I end up reading just what I need, at just the right times :)

  2. Time to harvest and to pause. Time to think of the coming year and to plan. Time to trust in the coming spring. It is the old wisdom, but sometimes so hard for us modern, post Enlightenment savages.
