That's me!

That's me!
The hen house Baya built...summer 2012

Monday 13 September 2010



Had a bit of a down day on Saturday and Sunday was a bit subdued too...was wondering why and after much pondering realised that I have been listening to the radio and watching the News every night as well. Last week was both the 70th anniversary of the Blitz and the 9th of September 11th. So many programmes dedicated to both events and what with the SPENDING CUTSSSSSS.... screaming at us from all sides, I got myself truly dysphoric, in fact down right unhappy but in that sort of vague blah way that does not allow you to do anything but just feel blah...

But this morning, I heard it on the radio, it must be true....HAPPINESS STARTS WHEN YOU EARN £50,000 A YEAR.

That's it, Radio 3 it is from now on! Although Radio 3 always decides to play some obscure contemporary music when I switch it on, just to annoy me, instead of playing some uplifting Mozart or something. But seriously, I will not listen to this drivel anymore. I like to keep in touch with what's going on in the world, don't get me wrong but, I am officially declaring a boycott of all TV and radio News for a while (well till I get seduced again).

In my lovely fantasy world, we, of course, do not have a television and watch endless repeats of Escape to the Country (my secret vice). No, we sit listening to Mozart, in front of a roaring fire, knitting by candle light and making clever conversation. As it is of course, we watch any amount of rubbish (the knitting and the roaring fire do take place).

I dug the blah out with my spade as well as my potatoes, currently being rinsed on the garden's table by the lovely soft rain and also burnt away all my dysphoria in the back back garden (I am not going to explain the garden to you, if you have been paying attention, you know what the back back garden, also know as the farm yard, is)  along with all the dried up bits that needed burning!

£50 000 a year indeed! The Beloved and I used to earn that sort of money when we both worked for the NHS and we cannot for the life of us remember what we used to do with other people to do what we do now probably, ah yes, she said, go on holiday and have meals out!

Yes, but....have you seen the Rosehips and |Ginger Syrup, glowing in the sunshine! Have you, Have you!!!! I will drink it and as I drink it will feel the wonderful summer we have just had go into my veins and bannish Blah for ever! I will, I promise you that it will work!

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